Since it has been possible to register handwriting with graphic tablets and corresponding analysis software, the characteristics of written, routine handwriting can be examined scientifically and in detail. And the results are clear: writing is movement, and learning to write is learning writing motor skills. Accordingly, children's handwriting was also examined in the process of learning to write. It is difficult to understand why this analysis of handwriting and the extensive research on motor learning are still hardly taken into account in the discussion of problems in teaching writing. The kinematic analysis provides detailed insight into the background of problems when learning to write, but also shows systematic problems with the current source writing. These findings have serious consequences not only for the assessment of writing problems, but also for the construction of a functional concept for learning to write in general.
In order to better understand the internal organization of handwriting, it makes sense to examine the writing movements of skillful writing in more detail. Routine and automated writing is characterized above all by fast and fluid execution of movements with a consistent writing rhythm. In order to make this highly efficient writing possible, the written form must be adapted in many aspects to facilitate movement.
At the beginning of the learning to write process, children's writing movements are slow, unrhythmic, and not automated. They can draw, but they can't write yet. Learning writing motor skills is subject to the laws of motor learning. Success and “mistakes” play an important role here. Instead of stereotypical repetition of the right letter shapes primarily variation and individual adjustments are required.
Analyzes of writing movements and the extensive research on motor learning have so far received little attention in the discussion of problems with handwriting and writing instruction. Kinematic analysis provides detailed insight into the deep structure of writing. As if through a prism, handwriting is broken down into the various aspects involved. In this way, the critical factors that promote or hinder learning handwriting can be identified.
The program CSWin registered write-movements with the help of a graphic tablet, that is connected to a PC. The kinematic analysis of the saved font-track allows for a detailed assessment of the movement when Writing or easier, the Write to the underlying movements. This information is for scientific purposes, for a better understanding of writing problems, for the control of learning success, and also as a Feedback during the training will be used.
What children bring to font
A competence-based observation of the writing process needs basic criteria for a successful write at the end to detect motor processes, and individual action. The "diagnostic view" requires a secured read-learning knowledge and Expertise; digital tools can help.